Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Republican's Effect on Texas

In his article, “Republican leadership is responsible formany improvements in Texas,” Daniel Hung of the University of Texas argues that Republicans have left the state better than when they took power. He brings up several main points first of which is that the economic boom in Texas is not only the abundance of resources such as oil, but due to careful planning by the government to incentivizing industry in Texas. In addition, he states that Texas has massive job growth and has proven time and time again that it is on the fast track to being the most economically successful state. However, the author fails to mention that through this economic growth, Texas continues to sit at the bottom of the list for income inequality. Being ranked 43rdin income inequality provides evidence that perhaps the economic boom Texas is experiencing does not affect all Texans, but may leave some out in the rain. He mentions as a quick addendum that there are a few problems left to fix, however, does not feel that these are important enough to warrant a discussion as to whether these policies should factor into the “prosperity” of the state. There are a plethora of social failures that come as a direct effect of republican economic policies that the party fails to fix through legislature. While I agree with the author that the economy in Texas is bright, there is an ugly side of the party that is moving backwards in social policy.

“Republican leadership is responsible for many improvements in Texas” Daily Texan. Daniel Hung, 2015.

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