In his post on the blog “Big Jolly Politics,” Ronald Kimmons
calls out the left for their support of homosexual marriage while condemning
polygamy as being hypocritical. He argues against Princeton professor Stephen
Macedo who made the case against polygamy but for homosexual marriage. Kimmons
argues that the rise of legal homosexual marriage will bring a plight on the
country, and that the same problems would arise should polygamy be legalized.
He goes on to say that the same argument that the left uses for gay marriage
could be extended to polygamy and the left is hypocritical to not apply the
same rational for both.
wholeheartedly disagree with Kimmons. His argument is comparing apples to
oranges and saying anyone who thinks that both are not apples is wrong. The existence
of marriage as a government certificate is not the same as a religious based
union. Benefits from marriage exist in tax benefits and visitation rights in
hospitals to name a few. The fact that two people want to unionize their
relationship to gain benefits from long term cooperation is not the same as a
social structure outlined by reinforcement of historical values.
Kimmons is also under the
impression that because men are attracted to more than one person, then that
means that they naturally will desire to be in a polygamous relationship which echoes
a gay person to desire someone of the same sex. The two are completely separate
logical steps. Finally, the fact that legalizing gay marriage will somehow harm
children is completely unfounded in any research from a credible source.
Kimmons should understand the toxicity of bigotry. History is moving forward.
The Utter Hypocrisy of Leftist Opposition to Plural Marriage
July 24,2015 Ronald Kimmons Big Jolly Politics
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